All you need is… happiness!

Bonheur, glück, felicidad, felicità, lykke, szczęście – in whatever language, such a beginning can only mean one thing: that this latest edition of the magazine is all about happiness!
Is this because it’s the summer holidays – a period usually associated with happy moments? To a certain extent. Each of us – regardless of their age, the season or their station – is constantly striving for happiness. The thing is, everyone defines it differently. And it’s the same in business. Most of us would admit that happy moments are likelier to happen in a luxurious five-star hotel than in a basic hostel – but maybe this isn’t always the case. Following our hearts (or perhaps wallets), we have decided to take a look at the upscale hotel segment. Is this niche product now poised to undergo serious growth in Poland? The answer to that question can be found in the article entitled ‘Five-Star Gazing’. And now, when we return from our vacations with smiles on our faces, the chief happiness officer is there waiting for us in the office to help us get through any post-holiday blues (a common affliction). Who’s that? you may as
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