The solution to all our lexical challenges

“Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?” asks Syme in George Orwell’s ‘1984’. when I first read this sentence as a maladjusted snotty-nosed teenager, the effect it had on me was chilling – but at least i still had the words to express this
But honestly who needs a tyrannical dictatorship to eradicate communication when we are perfectly happy doing it ourselves? After all I regret to inform you that the word ‘awesome’ has finally died in English. It was with a heavy heart that I attended the funeral and threw the final clods of earth on its metaphysical coffin. Now whenever a millennial tells you that a pizza is “awesome”, they are no longer telling you quake with fear at the cheesy topping; and if you tell them of the awesome view from the top of the Tatras, all you are saying is that you kind of like it. My grandfather honestly believed a radio was a wireless and a mirror was a looking glass.Because terms change over time and sometimes they are even deliberately changed. A friend of mine once pointed out to me that we shouldn’t use the word ‘prostitute’. The reason for this was that the word instantly conjures to mind a whole set of associations, none of
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