Global corporations as well as local players have so far only contracted a case of the jitters; but once again we’ve been forced to appreciate the full meaning of the phrase ‘living in a global village’. Action in our part of the world only seems to have been taken now that the virus has appeared in Italy, even though there had been much talk about the threat it posed for weeks beforehand, including the impact it could have on the retail sector (many chains are supplied from Asia) and the tourist sector. However, in our business we generally only see the positives of globalisation, such as the free movement of capital – which has undeniably been flowing in torrents into our part of Europe, as we write about this month in the article ‘Skinny-Dipping at High Tide?’. The glut of cash has been flooding into offices (‘Towering Ambitions’), residences (‘Over Here and Over There’) as well as warehouses, which has recently turned out