Towering ambitions

Office & mixed-use development
When Ghelamco bought the land for the Warsaw Spire in 2006, the area around Rondo Daszyńskiego was a rundown wasteland of old factories and derelict houses. Six skyscrapers are now under construction in this area, four of which are the work of the Belgian developer. A fifth is in the starting blocks – and this will by no means be the company’s final foray into this corner of the city. We spoke to Jeroen van der Toolen, the managing director of Ghelamco for Central and Eastern Europe, about company’s plans for more office towers – and maybe something even grander than all of those put together
Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Some analysts are worried that there’s so much money on the investment market that there isn’t enough product to meet the demand. Jeroen van der Toolen, Central and Eastern Europe managing director, Ghelamco: There’s never too much money on the market. The investment market has been in excellent health, and indeed, a huge volume of funds are currently circulating on it. Just five years ago, when we were leasing the Warsaw Spire, the agents were telling us that there would be no problem selling the entire complex at one go. However, it turned out that it wasn’t that simple. We sold the complex in three, actually four parts [half of the tower was initially bought by Madison – editor’s note]. Investors could see that it was a superb project, but why Warsaw? They were simply afraid to invest so much cash here at once. Paris, London and Frankfurt are different. But this is no longer a problem. A lar
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