Co-leasing – a whole new legal animal?

In today’s world, it won’t be long before you encounter the prefix ‘co’ in business or daily life. Words like ‘co-sharing’ and ‘co-living’ have entered the lexicon, and share one important feature – they don’t apply to just a single person, inhabitant or company, but to multiple users of space.
The office real estate market is now faced with a significant challenge, perhaps it’s even on the brink of a revolution. I’m talking, of course, about the advent of co-working. Some claim that co-working is more than just the layout of the office space, more than just working in the same place – it’s a whole new philosophy for economic activity based on knowledge, creative know-how and digitalisation. In this brave new world, people have to adjust to working in a new environment that is more open, flexible and adapted to particular personal needs – and at the same time is more temporary, as fixed-term workplaces make way for space rented for individual projects. This is a really interesting and exciting time to live and work in – so what does the future hold in store for us? What will the working environment be like in the future? Personally, I can’t wait to see where this revolution takes us. As a lawyer, will I still be sitting behind my old-
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