APP and its apps

Proptech can generate benefits at every stage of an investment – regardless of whether we are talking about a spectacular project worth hundreds of millions of euros or a small project by a local developer; but unfortunately, not everyone uses such systems – says Jacek Korwin-Małaszyński, a member of the board of APP-Projekt.
Tomasz Cudowski, ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: I understand that proptech is often used for large projects by international construction firms with international investors. But is it profitable to use it for smaller projects? Jacek Korwin-Małaszyński, a board member of APP-Projekt: I’d go so far as to say that any proptech system implemented in a sensible manner will bring a number of advantages and in many ways, too. For an investor this usually means projects of a higher quality and a more efficient and therefore less expensive use of capital; for a future resident or tenant it means more comfort and cheaper real estate; and for the natural environment it has huge benefits on many levels, due to such factors as the more efficient use of natural resources and the reduced carbon footprint. We are already seeing artificial intelligence being used in the design of virtually all types of buildings, including residential and office blocks as well as warehou
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