Covid schmovid

I’m going to start with the disclaimer that I’m not trying to make light of the pandemic – this is such a sensitive topic and painful enough that it demands be taken seriously. But I eventually decided to try to identify some of the positives in this crisis – and was astounded to discover that there are a whole host of them.
Let’s start with social distancing. Suddenly we have been given much more space to move around in by the limits imposed on the numbers of people in certain places. Since March, I’ve mainly been working from home so I rarely use public transport, but when I do so, I actually feel very comfortable. There’s far more room on the trams, buses and trains and you can easily find a place to sit. You can also see that they are being cleaned better and more often. And that’s not all – the passengers are far cleaner too and because they keep such a distance from each other you can, for example, talk over the telephone without disturbing anyone. In restaurants and bars you also feel more free and easy. The tables have been moved so far apart that you feel far more comfortable, both literally and metaphorically – you can talk, laugh and cry without worrying that someone on a neighbouring table is going to hear every word. There’s also nothing stopping you
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