Embracing life to the fullest

Small talk
“Our latest investment plans continue to be diversified and mixed in terms of locations and functions. At the beginning of 2021, we hope to start three new projects,” reveals Roger Andersson, the managing director of Vastint Poland
Tomasz Cudowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: The design work of your flagship project in Poznań, Stara Rzeźnia, is soon to be completed. How are you going to develop this historic quarter? Roger Andersson, managing director, Vastint Poland: The design work on Stara Rzeźnia is still ongoing and we hope to finish the process at the beginning of next year. We estimate that construction will start before the end of 2021. The project has an interesting and balanced mix of office, residential and retail functions, including in the historic buildings. We plan to restore the buildings of the former meat factory to their former glory and transform the area of app. 5.5 ha into a coherent urban complex in the city centre characterised by interesting architecture. Our project will offer access to all the elements that help you to embrace life and live it to the fullest. The estimated area of Stara Rzeźnia, comprising office, residential buildings and public space, will come to app. 70,000 sq
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