Finding that niche

Small talk
“The days of quick profits for holiday apartments are coming to an end and we are starting a period of greater professionalism and finding the right niche,” believes Marlena Kosiura, an analyst for the portal
Tomasz Cudowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: On the one hand we’ve had the lockdown, the flight ban and the absence of foreign tourists. On the other, we’ve had Polish people flocking in droves to the mountains and the seaside. So what’s the situation like now when it comes to holiday apartments? Is it even worth investing in them anymore? Marlena Kosiura, an analyst for the portal: Polish resorts have without doubt turned out to be one of the few winners from the pandemic. I’ve been analysing the resort market for over ten years, where for quite some time the idea has been heavily promoted that the holiday season lasts all year. But this isn’t true. In resorts on the Baltic, the mountains and the lakes, most of the money is made over the summer season, so a good summer means a good year. And we’ve had quite a good one. The 2020 vacation period was a successful period for the businesses in our resorts – and this isn&rs
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