After the lockdown the stocking up

T he pandemic has done little to halt the unstoppable rise of the Polish warehousing market. In fact, it actually seems to have put booster rockets under it, as the demand for e-commerce goods soars and Western manufacturers seek more cost-effective locations in response to the economic downturn
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Another major shot in the arm for Polish warehousing has been given by the disruption of supply chains to e.g. the Far East, which has prompted distributors to look at locations closer to their main European markets. And guess what? Poland, with its competitive costs and ever- expanding industrial market, is once again the perfect candidate for this.

In these troubled times of pandemics and economic recession, it might be expected that caring for the environment would fall down the list of priorities of warehouse tenants and therefore developers. Au contraire. It is precisely due to such factors that greater emphasis is now being laid upon the green and well-being aspects of such buildings. As it turns out, taking such an approach is not just the right thing to do from an ecological and human resources perspective, but is also the most cost- effective too. And this is what tenants and investors are both primarily concerned with – as you can find out on the following pages of this supplement.


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Invoicing data
Order summary
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VAT (%)
Gross order
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