Everyone needs a Happy New Year

This December issue of Eurobuild might seem stranger than usual... Normally it’s full of photos from last year of happy people proudly holding aloft statuettes and of others excitedly commenting on the upcoming presentation of the Eurobuild Awards.
Well, the pandemic has also derailed many other, much older traditions. But it won’t stop us! The nominations for this year’s Eurobuild Awards have already closed and the distinguished jury is making its deliberations as usual – so fingers crossed for the new scheduling of the event in the spring. Since many companies are unable to hold their traditional Christmas Eve parties, we have provided a printed version of such a get-together for you. More than 30 friends of Eurobuild photographed themselves with a Christmas motif in such a way that our sector could pass on its festive wishes to all of us, while at the same time giving their kind support to the Iskierka Foundation. Lots of familiar faces, lots of seasonal warmth and lots of fun was had by all – find out all about it on these pages. We also have a generous helping of interesting analyses for you as usual. The feature article takes a timely look at the flexible office space market – revealing how so
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