Facing down the big ‘C’

“We’ve begun the next quarter-century in the history of the most important conference in our country’s real estate market," declared Tomasz Cudowski, the editor in chief of ‘Eurobuild CEE’ magazine, as he opened the 26th meeting of the annual event. However, for the first time it was held in somewhat unusual circumstances – the panellists, who numbered around 30 market experts, as well as the 2,000+ other people taking part, were all sat in front of their computer screens rather than in a hotel conference room
The conference was run from the Lidex studio in Warsaw’s Wawer district, while the panellists and everyone else taking part logged on from their own homes and offices (and other places). Sometimes, the intense discussions were interrupted by a coffee machine chuntering, the noise of drilling outside or people speaking in a neighbouring room, but this only injected some extra fun into the event and actually gave everyone a bit of a laugh. The main topic was that it would have been another fantastic year for the real estate market in Poland but for the ‘C’-word. How had the leading players on the market dealt with this unprecedented challenge? What state do companies now find themselves in? What’s the future of the sector? Such were the questions that cropped up repeatedly throughout the discussions. Elżbieta Mączyńska, the chair of the Polish Economic Society, launched the conference with a presentation in which she assessed the impact of the economic pand
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