Looking to the future

Small talk
This month’s third Small Talk chat is with Bartłomiej Hofman, the managing director of P3 Logistic Parks in Poland, about its latest land acquisitions and whether the warehousing boom is going to go on forever
Tomasz Cudowski: P3 recently announced that it had bought two sites in Warsaw for urban logistics centres. Is this part of a new strategy? Are there going to be any more purchases like this, and if so, where? Bartłomiej Hofman: We’ve always followed the market very closely and reacted to changes in demand as well as to new trends. One of these is the soaring popularity of last-mile logistics centres, which has been underway for several years. Covid-19 has had an influence on this by accelerating the growth of e-commerce. Whether we are going to make more acquisitions is something I can’t rule out. But we are looking at Upper and Lower Silesia. What kind of year was 2020 for P3? What have been your greatest challenges? It’s certainly been a very demanding period, particularly at the beginning of the pandemic when nobody knew what to expect. We had two projects under construction in the spring and, fortunately, everything went well. We managed to finish the cons
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