Adjusting to that sliding doors moment

Small talk
In the first of this month's Small Talk chats, we talk to Andrey Klymenko, the managing director of Reynaers Aluminium Polska.
Tomasz Cudowski: You’ve recently begun the construction of a large new aluminium systems factory near Warsaw. What prompted you to make this investment? Andrey Klymenko: It was definitely the growing demand for our products, since the market has been expanding more and more rapidly and our business with it. When we built our first plant twenty years ago in Piaseczno, it was a greenfield investment and we were surrounded by empty fields. Now we are surrounded by residential estates, so we couldn’t expand our factory in the way we had originally planned. How are you coping with the Covid outbreak? What’s the greatest challenge you and your sector have had to face in such times? It’s certainly difficult not being able to meet your clients in person, when this is what our business is based on. Video conferences aren’t as effective as face-to-face meetings and all the more so when many of our clients prefer to make first contact in the traditional manner. Ho
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