Off-piste or piste-off?

So how are you doing after the Christmas holidays? Are you all rested? Are your stomachs feeling full? Have you been vaccinated? And are you ready to face the new challenges that 2021 is certain to bring?
The first big creative innovation this year has turned out to be the combination of the festive period with the mid-term school break. At this time of year, kids would usually be jumping up and down for joy for a month of no lessons – if it wasn’t for the fact that all the hotels and ski slopes are closed and that it’s also extremely difficult to travel around Europe. Normally, after publishing the first magazine of the year, our entire editorial team would – just like most of our readers – take a well deserved winter break; but this year everything has been turned on its head. Just as everything was just starting to settle down, the authorities again decided to give things a good old shake-up. As a result of this Covid danse macabre, all our plans for the winter break have been thrown up in the air and now make just as much sense as the simultaneous chatterings of a million market analysts of every sort. I do hope, dear readers, that you can appreciate ju
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