Winning mentality

Small talk
Fresh from HB Reavis’ triumph in establishing Varso Tower as the tallest building in the EU, we spoke to Karol Wyka, a member of the company’s management board and keen rally driver, about how the developer could possibly top that
Well, you did it! Varso Tower is now the tallest building in the EU. What does this mean for HB Reavis? Are there any other records you are hoping to smash? Karol Wyka, a member of the management board of HB Reavis Poland: When we were planning this building, we wanted to create a landmark. Now the way people talk about Varso Tower, which was designed Foster+Partners, is how they talked about the Metropolitan building in Warsaw, another of their projects. These architects are known for designing iconic buildings. Creating a development with a lot of symbolic power was very important to us, and at the same time we’ve succeeded in developing the tallest building in the European Union. But was all this really your original plan? Of course. With each of our projects, we ensure that each has something unique that they will represent. For example, another project of ours, Forest, is going to be the greenest building in Warsaw, featuring a green area the size of two football pitch
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