Starting over

Small talk
After twelve years at RedNet, where she climbed all the way to the top, Anna Franus has now joined a competitor in the residential development services field, Kup i Mieszkaj, as managing director, She tells why she is so excited by the prospect of this new challenge
After working for twelve years at RedNet, was it a big shock for you to join Kup i Mieszkaj, even though it’s a company operating in a similar field? Anna Franus, managing director, Kup i Mieszkaj: When I first joined RedNet Dom, it was a small company with a team of twelve people. I was able to spread my wings there and go through many different levels, from specialist to CEO. As a result I had the opportunity to get to know the product from the bottom up and obtain a deep knowledge of the residential development market. When I was considering changing my job, I wondered whether I should go to a big firm, such as a corporation, or to a smaller organisation, which I would be able to develop the same way as I had developed RedNet Dom. I realised that it was the latter kind of company that suited me better. In this way I would be able to create something and watch as the company and product spread out across Poland, as had been the case with my previous job. I think that because o
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