For shopping, go down one level

Small talk
As Immofinanz embarks on a shift towards developing affordable housing, we spoke to the company's COO, Deitmar Reidnl, about how this will fit into its activities in the retail and office segments
Some of Immofinanz’s Stop Shop retail parks are to be expanded with additional floors with environmentally-friendly, low-budget apartments. Where did your idea come from to combine retail and housing? Dietmar Reindl, COO, Immofinanz: Sustainability, innovative real estate solutions and an attractive risk-return profile are a fixed component of our growth strategy. Over the past few months, we’ve also taken a very close look at what the (real estate) world needs in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. We already have corresponding office (myhive) and retail (Stop Shop) offers in these areas. When it comes to sustainability, we have major goals and an ambitious programme underway to become climate-neutral. However, there is one major topic that we have not yet addressed: affordable, sustainable housing. With the largest network of retail parks in Europe, we have enormous resources for mastering this challenge. Who will your housing offer will be addressed to? Could you des
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