The Christmas tree is on fire!

At the end of last year, Yura Schevtchuk of Russian punk band DDT sang: “Crossing ourselves, we say goodbye to 2020 – and now we can breathe and write poetry again.”. He wasn’t the only one to believe that magically, as midnight chimed on December 31st, everything would once again return to normal or at least stabilise
Unfortunately, from that point onward the global madness only seemed to pick up speed. It started with the UK formally dropping out of the EU. Days later there was the rioting on Capitol Hill; and then in Russia Alexei Navalny was arrested. January ended with the news that 2 mln people worldwide had died from the coronavirus. And there was still another eleven months of all this to follow. The seasonal mood was also shattered in January when the so-called Constitutional Tribunal in Poland made the country’s already draconian anti-abortion laws even stricter, prompting thousands of people to come out onto the streets in protest. After a whole series of scandals and affairs, which no one even seemed to paying any attention to anymore, an immigration crisis broke out on our eastern border in the spring, which resulted in a state of national emergency being declared. Then it turned out that some EU laws apparently “contradicted the Polish constitution”. And just to finish
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