The Ideal family business

In an exclusive interview for ‘Eurobuild CEE’, Andrzej Dużyński, the founder and CEO of Ideal Idea, tells us about the development of the largest SBU warehouse project in Poland, the ups and downs of doing business in the country, and the possibility of handing the company over to the next generation
Tomasz Cudowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: To be perfectly honest, things aren’t so good at the moment in the market in which you operate. The demand for new warehouse space in the first half of the year slumped again by 37 pct y-o-y – down by 18 pct on the H1 five-year average. Has this trend been evident in Ideal Idea’s results? Andrzej Dużyński, the CEO of Ideal Idea: Well, I honestly can’t see any evidence of this trend in our own projects. We’ve had no problems with leasing out space, most of which we find tenants for before the occupancy permit has even been granted – and we’re not building big boxes but SBU projects, which in theory should be harder to lease. Who generally leases from you? What kind of company is your typical tenant? SBUs are mainly built for small and medium companies with a global reach. To make that point a bit clearly, it’s not Coca-Cola who’s going to lease from us but their business partners
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