BREEAM is only one side of the (green) coin

Every company has been paving its own path towards carbon neutrality. At the same time, more and more investors have been making demands in terms of the environmental approach that is taken – not only in their own organisations, but also when it comes to their business partners. Sustainability in the commercial real estate market is, therefore, no longer limited to obtaining certification – it’s about the particular approach to the business, including the focus on reducing its carbon footprint.
The real estate sector can play a key role in decarbonising the economy – buildings account for about 40 pct of global CO2 emissions. The construction phase is key in terms of reducing carbon emissions and during the subsequent use of these buildings – and these include warehouses. Environmental impact reduction begins long before the project starts and involves a series of business decisions, starting with the selection of the site. The climate legislation passed by the European Parliament has set more ambitious goals when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions – by at least 55 pct by 2030 – with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. EU directives have made it mandatory to strive for neutrality, which for the commercial real estate sector has meant intensifying its pro-environmental activities. Before the project is developed The very location of the site determines the type and scale of the environmental impact. Brownfield projects allo
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