A broken soundtrack

We’ve been able to reserve seats on Intercity trains for some time now, and sometimes we can even choose to sit in a quiet zone – much to the delight of anyone who hates noise or feels ill when sat facing in the opposite direction to that of the vehicle
I was of course delighted when I was sent on a business trip to Silesia and found I was able to book my seat online. However, it turns out that this service isn’t always fit for purpose, since a window seat might turn out to be next to a wall and the carriages don’t always travel in the declared direction; but in principle, let’s agree that this is a great idea. If you want to do some work in transit, you can select a seat with a table; while those who need to constantly stretch out their legs and worry about being obstructed by other travellers can choose an aisle seat. When I made my way to my seat, which was also supposed to be one shrouded in blessed silence, I realised that I didn’t feel blessed at all – and that this was largely my fault. As I began to open the paper wrapping of a pastry (I can’t spend any more than five minutes travelling by any means of transport without feeling hungry), I began to wonder whether the terrible rustling noise w
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