To be in the hunt

Human resources
With the slowdown in investment and a real estate market unsure of where it’s heading, the impact of this is also being felt by employment consultancies. Joanna Kozarzewska, a partner and head of real estate and construction of executive recruitment specialists Wyser, tells us how her company is responding to this situation as well as what you need to think about when considering transferring your skills elsewhere within the sector
Tomasz Cudowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: At the moment a certain hesitancy can be clearly felt across the real estate investment market. Is HR the same? Joanna Kozarzewska, a partner and head of real estate and construction of executive recruitment specialists Wyser: Whatever is happening in each sector of the market can always be felt in HR. For the real estate market as a whole, the investment sector is always a driver of growth, so the reduced transaction volumes along with the limited changes in real estate portfolio ownership are not going to trigger any domino effect resulting in further changes in management, leasing, the FM sector or staff turnover. In the current uncertain situation for the market, it’s rarer for long-term business strategies to be formulated and, in turn, HR policies. It’s difficult enough to see what skills are going to be needed in a few months’ time let alone in a few years. In that sense, the market is now highly reactive, although
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