Not just Russian Roulette any more

Those of you who rush to see each new film about the adventures of James Bond do not need to be reminded about the special atmosphere of Casino Royale in Montenegro. However, the reality hardly matches up – only a handful of casinos in this part of Europe look like the one in the filmGergo Racz, Emil Górecki, Mladen PetrovT      ‘ ); another will be located in Primorsky Krai; athirdcalled Yantarnaya ( –theAmber Room)in Kaliningrad Oblast; and afourth –Azov-City (-) –on theborder of Krasnodar Krai and Rostov Oblast. “The concentration of the‘gambling industry’ within thefour zones will enable astricter control of these facilities than if they were dispersed. The authorities also want tostimulate theeconomy of these four zones,” explains Yulia Nikulicheva, head of thestrategic consulting department at Jones Lang LaSalle.So far there is little demand for plots of land for investment in thefour zones, even though no gambling est
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