Radosław T. Krochta, CEO and vice-president of the management board of MLP Group

“We believe in Eastern Poland and we have decided to locate our first warehouse investment there – MLP Lublin,” says Radosław T. Krochta, the CEO and vice-president of the management board of MLP Group
Our Lublin project is the first logistics park in Eastern Poland and will have an area of 55,000 sqm. The first stage should be completed in January 2015 and the next stage should be ready within a year and half. We have already secured the first tenant for 10,000 sqm of the space and we intend to expand the project further as we are the only logistics park in the region and there is substantial interest in the project. The Lublin project is not for sale, as we have a contract with a tenant; but keeping an eye on the evolution of the market we have not ruled out speculative projects in the future – mainly in Warsaw and Wrocław. We think Eastern Poland has significant potential – highly qualified workers with a lower cost of labour, limited competition on the market and convenient flight connections with Germany and the UK.


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