At the speed of sound

Polish airports are to receive EUR 720 mln by 2012 in the form of government and EU subsidies, but airports will be investing much more in expansion. The pie to be divided is already in the oven and giving off a rather delicious aromaThe current airport investment boom started several years ago with a surge in the growth of budget airlines, while another injection of energy and capital was given when the decision was taken to award Poland the right to organize the 2012 European football championships. Estimates suggest Poland will have invested as much as EUR 19 bln on the entire transport network by 2012 (roads, railways and airports) with state and EU finance, though the reconstruction of the largest airports will alone cost the small (in terms of percentage) sum of EUR 720 mln. Smaller airports are already sensing a wind change in their favour, although they cannot count on financing from Euro 2012 resources but will also hitch on to the boom bandwagon, that is if they keep their ey
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