A big splash about to make waves

Back in July this year, Eurobuild reported that the Silesia Park retail and leisure centre in Katowice had gained a new owner, in the form of the British/Dutch group of investors calling themselves Moonfleet. Everything was set up for a bright future for the project after the sale and Peter Long, Director and Country Manager of Chelverton International, (who with Lend Lease, through Chelverton Properties International N.V and its subsidiary Katsina B.V, were the scheme's original investors), was apparently delighted that Moonfleet were making the investment. Now it turns out they're not: TriGranit are and according to its Chief Executive Officer Todd Cowan, they've "reached and signed an agreement with Lendlease to purchase the property and will close before the end of 2003". So what happened? Move over "They pushed us out of the way," says Christopher Samuelson of Moonfleet, adding that his firm are to take legal action against TriGranit, who
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