
Where to put the airport? An increasing number of proposals are being put forward about where to locate a new airport near Warsaw. The latest is from the city authorities in Łódź who are suggesting the small town of Babsk, in which case the airport would serve both their city and the capital.Babsk is located 60 km from Warsaw and 65 km from Łódź. The 1,000 hectare plot proposed for the airport belongs to two private owners, the State Forestry (Lasy Państwowe) and the Military Property Agency (Agencja Mienia Wojskowego). PRInż to build section of road in Upper Silesia The Katowice-based construction firm PRInż has won a contract to build a 2.3 kilometre long, (to include a 700 metre tunnel), section of an expressway in the centre of its home town. The contract, worth EUR 56.3 mln, is to be financed by a loan granted to the city's authorities by the European Investment Bank and the work is due to be complete by 2006. Cedat opens a new factory Cedat, a building
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