Pie in the sky?

The Ministry of Infrastructure has announced the setting up of a special commission to select a location for a new cargo airport to be built near Warsaw between 2006-2008. Radom, Bolimów, Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą and Mszczonów have all been considered as possible locations Though it is generally advisable to maintain a sceptical distance from government investment plans, the prospect of a new cargo airport has got the tongues of warehouse operators and developers wagging. Paweł Piasecki of the Europa Distribution Centre claims that information about the new airport has been going round for some time now. In his view, Mszczonów is best equipped for the construction of an airport because the area has good communication with Warsaw by rail and road and suitable climatic conditions, i.e. strong winds and air pressure. "Naturally, I would be happy if a cargo airport was to be built in Mszczonów, and not just because it would create a substantial increase in the flow of
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