That little bit extra

"Service charges are a strange payment introduced to Poland a few years ago, when foreign companies started investing here," said one representative of a paying tenant, Eurobuild talked to on the subject Paying for what you use What service charges cover does in fact vary from building to building and according to the property manager responsible for their well being. In general however, utilities, (electricity, water and so on), cleaning inside and outside the building, small repairs, security, reception and heating can all be included in that 'little extra' that companies will have to pay for the roof over their heads. Some tenants of course use more electricity and water than others and should they do, their consumption is often metred. This is property manager WeCare's policy and tenants with showrooms for example, whose equipment is continually in use, come into this category, as do medical centres who use more than the average quantity of water. Others, on
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