
A new law for mortgage banks An amended law for mortgage bonds and mortgage banks has come into force, allowing banks to lend up to 100% of the mortgage value of a property, even if they are only at the application stage of the mortgage registration process. Until the amendment, mortgage banks in Poland were restricted, (by a 1997 law), to lending up to only 80% of the mortgage value, once the mortgage had been registered. Three mortgage banks currently operate under Polish law: HypoVerenisbank, Rheinhyp-BRE and Ślski Bank Hipoteczny. Europolis Invest acquire Sienna Centre Europolis Invest, (owner of office buildings Saski Point and Warsaw Towers, in Poland's capital, and two warehouses in Alliance Logistic Centre, on the outskirts), have acquired Sienna Centre office building in Warsaw. The transaction, agreed in July, is awaiting acceptance from t
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