Unhappy customers

Eurobuild asked two warehouse end-users how they felt they were provided for by developers. The responses were strikingly frank and negative. List of complaints P&O Trans European runs both its own and rents and manages several warehouses across Poland, with a number of developers who include ProLogis. The total area amounts to 80,000 sqm, mainly in Class A buildings and includes its facility in Piaseczno, a 16,000 sqm modern warehouse building, which is an extension of 10,000 sqm of existing space. They have plans to expand further in Poland and most of this will be concentrated in and around Poznan, Wroclaw and Katowice. In their own developments they claim to, "plan and design warehouse processes based on both the specific requirements of our customers and multi-modal general needs, in the most efficient and flexible way," according to Managing Director Ryszard Warzocha. However he maintains that this quality of service offered by P&O Trans European, is not ma
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