The Airport Factor

Can proximity to an airport add value to a warehouse and logistics centre? Since no method of transport is faster than the plane, does this mean that there is no better location for warehouse space than the vicinity of an airport, and are airports planning to expand their cargo capacity? Two large modern warehousing centres near Okecie airport in Warsaw are ProLogis's 35,500-sqm ProLogis Park Warsaw and CEIDCO's 30,000 sqm Warsaw Distribution Centre (which also has 7,000 sqm of office space). Was direct proximity to the airport a deciding factor in their their location? Warsaw, not airport, the draw,  I think that for tenants the fact that our centre is located in Warsaw is more important than its location near the airport. The majority of goods get here by lorry and leave the same way", says Maciej Madejak of ProLogis. In his opinion, the customer profile of ProLogis Park Warsaw is not much different from other ProLogis warehouse schemes (in Blonie, Te
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