Changing environments

Green projects
WORLD Greeen buildings are going to be of an even higher quality and their users will have even more comfort. How is this possible?
Due to an amendment to the LEED ecological certification system, which comes into force in mid-November. It is called LEED v4 and is being introduced by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). Since the companies and the institutions who make up the organisation as well as external experts have pointed out that the changes are too sudden, there will be a transition period until June 2015. Until then it will still be possible to use the LEED 2009 version. “This is a move that will certainly be positively viewed by building material producers who have been involved in eco-friendly activities for many years,” predicts Mirosław Mucha, the director of the Rockfon brand in Poland. LEED v4 is intended to offer new solutions for such buildings as existing schools, existing shopping centres, new and existing warehouses, distribution centres, hotels and residential facilities. The changes that are to be introduced by the amendment stipulate the use of a minimum of 20 produ
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