Not just cosmetic changes

Retail & leisure
What stage has your network of chemist stores now reached? Anna Wierzbicka, president of the board, Dayli: We are most developed in the southwest of the country. We are not present in the north and east of Poland.
But this is now set to change... Yes, it is. We are planning to open our next few shops. Some will probably be opened through acquisitions. We have already worked out the ideal format for our chemist stores – they would have areas of 150–180 sqm. These are the outlets we want to open. Why is this size the most suitable? This is what our concept is like. Such a store includes the full range of products customers are looking for and at the same time these outlets generate the best results in many respects. We have already tried them out in larger cities, but we mostly want to expand into small and medium-sized towns. Dayli is not yet as recognisable a brand as the market leaders and in the larger conurbations, where the choice of drugstores is much broader, brand awareness is of great importance. We are building the Dayli brand all the time through our marketing activities. In smaller towns it is easier for us to raise awareness among female customers. And the competition
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