Large projects on the horizon

What stage has your project on the Wiatraczna roundabout in Warsaw now reached? When will the construction process be launched? Marek Roefler, president of the board of Dantex: It is a very large and complicated project. We are currently applying for the administrative permits needed for its implementation.
We would like to start the construction process at the beginning of 2016, so we’ll start the demolition of Uniwersam Grochów earlier. A lot of support is being given to us by the local authorities, for whom the project is every bit as important because it will make it possible to give Grochów district a true centre focused on the roundabout. The retail function will be retained on the first two floors, some of which will be occupied by our partner, Społem. There should be around 11,000–12,000 sqm for retail and services. We are also planning the construction of a large convenience shopping centre targeted at the purchasing power of local residents. This will include two levels of car parks above the retail section for the residents of two 17-storey residential towers that are planned with over 400 apartments. An additional car park for customers of the store will be located on the underground level. In total there will be around 770 parking spaces, 400 of which will be
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