Openness and trust

Eurobuild Awards
Roman Skowroński, the head of the asset management department for Central and Eastern Europe of the Logicor platform, was voted (jointly with Maciej Stacha of Logistic City) the best warehouse manager by tenants. In an interview for ‘Eurobuild CEE’, he argues that the most important thing is to understand tenants’ needs

How does the best warehouse manager in Poland feel?

All the employees of the company are the authors of its success. But I mostly feel appreciated by the tenants and at the same time am committed to continuing the improvement of our cooperation standards and the quality of our services.

Did you expect to receive the award?

Of course [laughter]. No, I did not because we are a relatively young organisation, we have only been operating for fourteen months in the region and compared to other leaders in our industry we have had significantly fewer opportunities to earn a good reputation and develop good relations with clients.

What should characterise a warehouse manager nowadays?

A manager should first of all understand the common interests of the landlord and the tenant. In the name of the best interests of both parties they should help in the execution of the lease contract and be open to the tenants’ needs. It has to be remembered that in everyday life there are many different kinds of situations and problems – and addressing them as well as keeping an ordinary dialogue open constitute a large part of the success.

What do tenants expect most?

As in every business line they expect their needs to be understood and they want to be supported. We try to be flexible in our approach to tenants as much as possible. Of course we stick to the established rules of the game in terms of landlord-tenant relations; however, in the majority of cases an individual approach is crucial. We focus on openness and trust. We believe that the growth of our clients means the growth of our company too.

What brings you the most satisfaction from this kind of work?

Making the best decisions, thanks to which our efforts are appreciated – as has been confirmed by the Eurobuild Awards. Something is always changing in this company. In 2012 when Logicor was established, our warehouses covered an area of 1.6 mln sqm across Europe. Now we have a warehouse area of 9 mln sqm in thirteen European countries. We develop and we buy a great deal – and these purchases also involve Central and Eastern Europe, which is why there is really no chance of getting bored.

What is the greatest challenge you have to face?

First of all, the landlord’s and tenant’s interests have to be reconciled under the contract. The logistics and industrial
business is a very demanding one. Thus we are even more satisfied that we have managed to face up to the market’s challenges and fulfil tenants’ expectations.

You have been involved in this sector for many years. How have working methods changed? What can we expect in the next ten years?

I think that the core of the industry has stayed the same. Only the conditions, tenants’ expectations and tools have been changing. Online services and the e-commerce sector are having a significant and increasingly strong impact on the logistics sector in Europe. Sustainable management – of the sort which contributes to positive social and economic
effects – will certainly play a key role. As far as companies in our line of business are concerned, the focus on building small, strong teams to communicate successfully and effectively will be an important issue.
