Openness and trust

Eurobuild Awards
Roman Skowroński, the head of the asset management department for Central and Eastern Europe of the Logicor platform, was voted (jointly with Maciej Stacha of Logistic City) the best warehouse manager by tenants. In an interview for ‘Eurobuild CEE’, he argues that the most important thing is to understand tenants’ needs
How does the best warehouse manager in Poland feel? All the employees of the company are the authors of its success. But I mostly feel appreciated by the tenants and at the same time am committed to continuing the improvement of our cooperation standards and the quality of our services. Did you expect to receive the award? Of course [laughter]. No, I did not because we are a relatively young organisation, we have only been operating for fourteen months in the region and compared to other leaders in our industry we have had significantly fewer opportunities to earn a good reputation and develop good relations with clients. What should characterise a warehouse manager nowadays? A manager should first of all understand the common interests of the landlord and the tenant. In the name of the best interests of both parties they should help in the execution of the lease contract and be open to the tenants’ needs. It has to be rememb
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