You could, instead of dwelling on all this, look forward to the winter holidays and skiing in the mountains, where the fluffy white stuff and sub-zero temperatures somehow don’t seem to get you down so much. Or you could think about escaping to some Asian resort – as is the current vogue – to enjoy the exotic cuisine and golden beaches. So we are boarding planes to the East with wallets stuffed with currency, while at the same time a stream of Asian capital is flooding into Poland. What percentage of the capital invested in commercial real estate in 2018 came from this part of the world? Was it a record year in terms of investment turnover? Which products sell like hot cakes when such investors go shopping? The answers to these and many other questions are provided by an iconic figure on the Central European market, Paweł Dębowski, a partner at Dentons (‘Happy days are still here... for now’), who ended the year in an optimistic mood, which – as he