Was this award a surprise for you?
Such a distinction is always a very pleasant surprise, especially when it is decided by your clients. This year’s award was all the more surprising because it was presented to a Segro property manager for the second year in a row, having been awarded to Cezary Pawłowski in 2017. These awards show that after years of work, Segro has earned its clients’ trust not only by providing high-quality modern warehouse space but first of all through our openness to clients’ needs.
How did you celebrate?
I celebrated at the reception after the gala in the company of associates and our clients. There were also opportunities to celebrate the award with the whole Segro team in the days that followed.
What was the most difficult challenge you had to face last year?
I think that it was what we did to integrate our recently purchased Segro Business Park Warsaw, Okęcie complex into our systems and standards. Even without the heavy work load that