High self-valuation

Human resources
In 2018 it was a challenge for employers not only to find and hire the right employees, but they also had to struggle holding onto them. the staffing shortages are unlikely to abate in 2019 and this has been impacting pay levels – but not so much in the property sector, even though wage pressure continues to rise
According to the data of the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), the unemployment rate in Poland in October 2018 came to 5.7 pct – the lowest in 28 years. It is also below the natural unemployment level. Thus labour shortages are now an issue for the entire economy – with the real estate and construction sectors being no exceptions. The struggle to find the right candidates for positions has already affected and – as specialists believe – will continue to affect the salaries being offered. “Although the past few years have been characterised by the dramatic growth of the real estate market, we can see that the market has already begun to enter a phase of salary stabilisation. Nevertheless, there are still large discrepancies in the rates offered to people for the same position,” admits Krzysztof Butyński, a managing consultant at Michael Page, where he is responsible for recruitment in the field of real estate and construction. Mariusz Hoszowsk
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