Our Flexible friend – the office

The Polish office market is continuing to blossom – and has been showing no signs of wilting. The experts believe that a slowdown is not yet on the cards, at least for the time being.
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Companies have been announcing their latest expansion plans, which means that the owners of modern office space are obviously sleeping peacefully. However, landlords of older buildings are having to roll up their sleeves as they need to struggle harder to keep their tenants happy. Office market players are currently focused on developing flexible concepts which, according to many specialists, are the best response to the changing market conditions. This can be seen in the dramatic growth of co-working chains. Greater importance is also being laid on how the office functions as a workplace. This supplement, therefore, devotes much of its column space to office interior design that puts as much focus on the requirements of the employee as it does the employer. Flexibility is the key theme throughout. It entails freedom in the design work and it is also becoming the basis for shaping the offices of the future, in which the latest technology, modern styles of working and generational changes can all be embraced.


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