Chronic art failure

The other day I was walking with a friend through the streets of Warsaw in the warm spring sunshine, thinking to myself how blissfully perfect everything was. I said as much out loud: “The city is in bloom, it’s adorned with beautiful works of public art, and all the problems with Brexit had been resolved!” – and my companion, a kind of penguin-rabbit hybrid, agreed
My good mood, however, was abruptly cut short a few seconds later when I was attacked by a swarm of vicious flying hamsters. I promptly woke up and realised that it was still late winter, winged killer-hamsters don’t actually exist, and we don’t have the technology to genetically splice penguins with rabbits. And the less said about where we are with Brexit, the better. I also realised that I shouldn’t eat four-cheese pizza just before bedtime. As for the abundance of public art works in Warsaw – sadly, they too were a phantom generated by my cheese-addled brain. Probably this latter subject had been on my mind because a few days earlier I’d attended a conference all about it. At this forum, the consensus was that compared to many European capitals – and even to provincial Polish cities – Warsaw is particularly lacking in public art. The public art it has seems to amount to a few minor sculptures and murals dotted around the city as well as th
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