The inside experience

Interior design
See the goods, touch them, take pictures, experience them... and then, maybe, buy something. The interior design experts tell us how to turn a customer into a brand ambassador
For some time now retail might have been moving online, but traditional stores are not willing to give up the ghost so easily. Shop interiors have become their marketing weapons in this battle. Unsurprisingly, retailers are increasingly opting for original layouts. Another factor driving this is the digitisation of offline shopping, which has been transforming consumers’ shopping habits. The actual functions of stores today have been changing, sometimes transforming into showrooms. You can see and try out the different products in them; and the way the stores are designed has become an inseparable element of the brand’s image. As this trend takes hold, shops are gradually becoming brand embassies, and the customers are taking on the role of ambassadors. This poses a real challenge for designers – they now have to utilise knowledge from various fields and embrace the interdisciplinary nature of their task. And the most important goal for them now is to design interiors
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