Outgrowing the Hilton

Eurobuild Awards
The first Eurobuild Gala and Eurobuild Awards are already a slightly fading memory for the organisers, but – to our surprise – some guests and winners remember them quite well. How have our flagship event and the entire sector developed during the last decade? What paths have those who were there the first time and the organisers themselves since taken?
Let’s relive the moment: we all gathered at the first Gala on a January evening in 2010 to review the previous twelve months. The Hilton Hotel in central Warsaw was bursting at the seams in order to accommodate the several hundred guests who – possibly mostly out of curiosity – wanted to see what Eurobuild had come up with this time. In the run-up to the event a jury of around 100 experts selected the best performers in 17 categories, while tenants chose the winners in three. An award for outstanding achievement was also presented. It was only at the next few ceremonies that prizes were also awarded by the audience of the Gala. “I remember the first few Eurobuild Galas quite well because I was always impressed by their professionalism,” recalls Maciej Tuszyński, now a senior partner at Griffin Property Finance. “If my memory serves me well [it does – editor’s note], the first ceremony at the Warsaw Hilton was hosted by Richard Stephens,
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