Still not dead yet

When I agreed to write this endpiece I told everyone I was not going to write about coronavirus. so instead, I’m going to write about Covid-19
Yeah, I know I’m cheating, but the problem is that it is the one thing everyone is talking about and to write about anything else would be almost irrelevant. But honestly, I am sick to the back teeth of the subject and unfortunately if I were to write an article with my normal mix of cynicism and sarcasm, I would probably just come across as flippant and callous. Having given this problem some thought I have decided simply to be flippant and callous and talk about what I personally consider the absurdities of the current situation. Let’s start with the name. Why on earth do we need to stick a number after it? If we’re now facing a Covid-19 crisis, why don’t I remember Covid-18? You may accuse me of whinging and ranting, and you’d be absolutely right, but we don’t go around talking about Measles-837. (According to a quick internet search the first case was in the 9th century. And what on Earth is with this insane capitalisation? Why do we have to writ
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