Not dead yet. And how are you doing?

To the delight of some and in spite of all the doomsayers, you now have a copy of the September issue of Eurobuild in your hands – confirming that reports of our death have been greatly exaggerated.
If I had a euro for every suggestion I’ve heard that Eurobuild has gone bankrupt / won’t publish the print magazine again / will never recover... I’d go and buy myself a nice little island in the middle of some blue sea. Rumours, though, don’t generate anextra revenue and more often than not just get you down. However, we do have reasons to be cheerful (one, two, three): Firstly, our September issue is a little thicker than our summer magazine. And we have a new section. To warm yourself up for the more weighty stuff, you could take a look at Small Talk, which is just a short interview about what life is like in the sector. We’re still talking about business, but not in such a serious vein, focusing instead on the lives and lifestyles of real estate players. Then you could turn to our two solid analyses, one legal and the other economic. If it turns out that you, our dear readers, like this more analytical format, we can turn it into a regular feature. An
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