Coming out of the freezer

Small talk
“Having a build-and hold strategy is a huge advantage. a huge advantage. Just look at the transaction market which is going through quite a bit of turbulence. Many funds have called off or held back from making large acquisitions," – says Radosław T. Krochta, the CEO of MLP Group
Tomasz Cudowski, Eurobuild CEE: Summing up the first half year at MLP you said that it had been “business as usual”. I don’t believe that it was so stress-free... Radosław T. Krochta, CEO, MLP Group: However I have to disillusion you; in reality the first half year went by without any major disruptions. The only problem we ran into at the beginning of the pandemic were slight delays in financing and administrative decisions. Of course this was a little awkward, but luckily it did not affect our investments. It’s true the world stopped for a while, but I went into the office every day. The only changes that we had were the disinfectants, the masks and the gloves that appeared in reception as well as slightly fewer employees as many were working from home. Other than that nothing spectacular happened. There were no delays in collecting rents? None. We have over 250 tenants and they all pay on time. Neither did we have any trouble organising the work inside the
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