We’re all staying brave!

Christmas Feature
As you may well know, the current situation has forced us to postpone the Eurobuild Awards gala. This, the most important event in sector of the year, not only recognises the best projects and the achievements of the best firms, but also supports the Iskierka Foundation, which helps children with cancer and their families. Our next, eleventh Gala still lies ahead of us, but we didn’t want to wait for this. And so, with the help of some of our friends, we held a charity event to make sure not one child looked after by the Foundation would be left without a gift this December.
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The challenge was simple: to have your photo taken holding a certain letter and with a traditional Christmas motif, and then pay a small amount into the account of the Iskierka Foundation. As a result, we have a wonderful Christmas greeting for the whole real estate sector kindly put together by some of its main people. And, since we are unable to meet up at our traditional Christmas Eve parties, the greeting is even more warm and heartfelt this year. But despite everything, we are all staying brave and are still in this together!

We would like to thank the following companies for having fun together and supporting the Iskierka Foundation: APA Wojciechowski, Augusta Cracovia, Atrium, Cavatina, Clifford Chance, Colliers International, CREAM Property Advisors, CreoConcept, Dentons, Echo Investment, EPP, Ghelamco, Griffin Real Estate, HB Reavis, Hines, Immofinanz, JLL, MLP, MVGM, New Work, Nosalowy Dwór, Novoferm, OPG, Orange, Panattoni, Quadrature, Reynaers Aluminium, Savills and Segro.


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