Unpacking pay packets

Human resources
Unlike other areas of the economy, the property sector has generally not seen wide ranging wage cuts for those employed in it. In actual fact, almost half of those in the sector have received rises over the last few months. There’s also been no shortage of bonuses and other fringe benefits, although not quite in the same way
For a picture of where salaries in the sector currently are, we need to start with a few numbers. According to EY’s ‘The Covid-19 year through the eyes of Polish businesses’ report, which surveyed 500 companies from different sectors of the economy, 21 pct have had to cut their employees’ salaries. According to the ‘Poles in the Workplace’ survey published by Pracuj.pl, 71 pct of those looking to change their employment are doing so in search of higher pay. Meanwhile, recruitment firm Devire reports that 45 pct of real estate workers received a raise in 2020. Does this mean that it’s still worthwhile working in real estate? “Compared to other sectors, real estate has been doing relatively well during the coronavirus pandemic,” insists Marta Kulik, the HR business partner at Cresa Polska. Nevertheless, she points out that when it comes to pay levels we have been seeing bigger differences because over the past year with salaries havi
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