Reaching their destination

Echo Investment, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, is not slowing down with its expansion plans. The company has just bought Wrocław-based residential developer Archicom and – as Echo’s CEO Nicklas Lindberg reveals – the company still has an appetite for more
Rafał Ostrowski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Echo investment has gone quite a long way in the past 25 years from developing mainly residential buildings, through to office and retail projects, to building such complex and large urban developments as The Warsaw Brewery, Fuzja in Łódź and the planned Towarowa 22 complex in Warsaw. Which real estate sector do you now want to concentrate on? Nicklas Lindberg, CEO, Echo Investment: It’s true that Echo is a developer that has competences in various real estate sectors. So, we are not only a developer of residential buildings for sale and for rent, but also of office and retail space. We can do all of these and we are always able to adjust to the market by increasing our presence in those sectors that in certain times are doing better. For example, when the company started out we were doing a lot of retail. But since then, retail has gone through a big shift and will never return to how it used to be. Now we are doing more destina
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